The Paseo wants to make your visit as memorable as possible! Access to The Paseo’s subterranean self-parking garages are available from Colorado Blvd. and Green St. between Marengo Ave & Los Robles Ave.
For a fast and easy exit, automated parking machines are available at each escalator and elevator landing. Insert your ticket into the automated pay station, followed by cash or credit payment. Take your paid ticket with you and insert ticket into exit station upon exiting the garage.
Parking Rates:
- 90 minutes free with validation from participating stores
- $1.50 each 30 mins thearafter
- $12 daily maximum
The parking garage is managed by PARKING CONCEPTS. For questions regarding parking, please call the parking office at 626.817.0827.
*Please call desired store to inquire about validation. One one validation accepted per visit. Lost parking tickets pays daily maximum cost*